Support CCS is pleased to announce our endorsed candidates: 

Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler

Jon Shapiro

Shapiro is a CCS parent and a deeply involved member of the CCS community, who was honored with a special Community Service Award from the district in January for his role in leading the “Yes for CCS” Operating Referendum campaign. Shapiro has long worked in education, in nonprofit, youth-serving organizations, and is the current director of fundraising and donor relations at Hope Academy Recovery High School. His demonstrated commitment to the Carmel community and his desire to ensure CCS remains one of the best public school districts in the nation for all students make Shapiro an excellent choice to serve on the CCS School Board.  

To learn more about Jon, visit:, and see coverage of his candidacy announcement in the Current in Carmel.

I am running to ensure our students have the resources they need to be successful, to see to it that our educators have the support they need to leverage their expertise in teaching our children, and to be a partner with families as we work together to make our already excellent public schools even better.”

Kristina (Kris) Wheeler

Wheeler, a partner at Bose McKinney & Evans, LLP, is currently serving on the Executive Board of the Carmel Education Foundation as the Vice President for Compliance and Board Secretary. She is the mother of one CCS graduate and another who will be a freshman at Carmel High School this fall. Having earned her undergraduate degree in elementary education herself, Wheeler has a fundamental understanding of the importance of supporting our teachers, parents, students, and schools. As a certified public mediator, she understands that in order to do this you need to work across differences of opinion in order to solve problems. She has long been involved in CCS and embodies the passion and dedication to build on the success of our school system that the CCS School Board needs. For more information, see coverage of her candidacy announcement in the Current in Carmel and visit her website at:

To contact Kris, email:

I feel called to help bring my community together and make decisions that best support all children in CCS.”


Jim Brainard

Former Mayor of Carmel

“I am supporting Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler in the upcoming Carmel School Board elections, and I want to share with you why that decision made sense. First, our schools are the most important economic development partners ensuring Carmel’s success in preserving our high quality of life and providing the foundations that keep our property values high. Second, these candidates are focused on academic and character -building support that ensures our graduates are ready to excel in higher education, help build a strong workforce, and if they choose to enlist in our country’s military services. We have an excellent school system, and these candidates will in my opinion preserve the correct focus for our youth.”

Carmel Teacher's Association

“The Carmel Teachers’ Association (CTA) is proud to announce our endorsement of Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler for the Carmel Clay School Board in the upcoming election. This decision marks the first time the CTA has endorsed school board candidates, following a supermajority of support from voting members.

Our endorsement reflects the commitment Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler have consistently demonstrated to the education community. Both candidates have shown unwavering support for educators and a dedication to the well-being of our students, staff, and schools. They have given significant time and effort to advance the success of Carmel Clay Schools, and we believe they represent the values and priorities that are vital to our district’s continued success.
Jon Shapiro has a long-standing career in education and was a key leader in the 2023 “Yes for CCS” referendum renewal campaign, which ensured the district’s funding remained secure. Kristina Wheeler serves on the Executive Board of the Carmel Education Foundation as Vice President for Compliance and Board Secretary. Both have strong personal connections to education through their family backgrounds and have been actively involved parents as their children have progressed through Carmel Clay Schools.
“As an association, we feel it is both appropriate and crucial to give a voice to our teachers in this election,” said Mark Wien, President of the Carmel Teachers’ Association. “The decisions made by the school board have a profound impact on the work of educators and the quality of education in our schools. Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler have proven their dedication to building strong partnerships between teachers, staff, administration, and the community—an approach that aligns with our belief in the power of collaboration and communication.”
This endorsement is not tied to any political party, platform, or other individuals supporting the candidates. Instead, it is a testament to the candidates’ focus on education and their commitment to fostering a school board that serves the entire community. It is also important to note that an endorsement in this election cycle does not guarantee support for future candidacies.
The Carmel Teachers’ Association believes in supporting these candidates who will prioritize the needs of our schools and uphold the nonpartisan nature of the Carmel Clay School Board. We are confident that Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler will continue to advocate for the interests of our students, staff, and the broader community.
About the Carmel Teachers’ Association (CTA): A Local Organization

Since June 2017, the Carmel Teachers’ Association has represented the educators of Carmel Clay Schools. As a local-only association, our focus is on representing the teachers of this district, negotiating legal contracts on their behalf, and addressing concerns at both the building and district levels. The CTA has no affiliation with the National Education Association (NEA) or the Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA), allowing us to remain solely focused on the needs of Carmel Clay Schools. We serve as the primary representative for negotiations and act as a liaison between teachers and administration when necessary to ensure the best outcomes for all parties involved.”

John Williams

Carmel High School Principal 2003-2017

“As the former principal of Carmel High School from 2003 to 2017, I, along with our community, are proud of the exceptional quality of education that Carmel Clay Schools offers to our students. The impressive performance and amazing accomplishments of our schools, not only academically, but in all areas, is consistent with a commitment from our community, parents, and especially our teachers and staff.

Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler are dedicated public school advocates who are committed to supporting and upholding the standards that have made and continue to make us all so proud. It is important that all of us who value this legacy of excellence, and the work done by our educators, stand up and make our voices heard. I strongly urge all Carmel voters to support Shapiro and Wheeler in this fall’s School Board Election.”

Pam Knowles

Former CCS Board Member

“As a former member of the Carmel Clay School Board, it is my honor to endorse two highly qualified candidates who are running for that position in November. They are Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler. Both candidates have clearly stated they will work to advance the pursuit of academic achievement for which the Carmel schools are well known and ensure ALL students are successful as they prepare for their future.

It is important to remember that a School Board member sits ‘on the balcony,’ to use a metaphor, and does not become involved in the administrative aspects of education as that is the job of the superintendent. It is a non-partisan position which fosters an atmosphere of thinking always in terms of ‘children first’.

These two candidates exhibit the qualities that will continue to move our district forward.”

Dr. Jeff Swensson

Former CCS Superintendent, author of "Defending Public Education: When Partisanship, Anarchic Dissent, and Universal Singularity Attack" (2023)

“Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler have my vote as candidates for the Carmel Clay Schools Board of Trustees. Our incredibly positive school system and our students need Kristina and Jon. They will be exceptional additions to the Board and will work collaboratively with school leaders, teachers, staff, and community members. Jon and Kristina are bright, fair-minded, and dedicated to our schools: they will not be beholden to partisan interests. The future of our schools is the future of our community and Shapiro and Wheeler will help lead our schools to the best future possible.”

Mike Kerschner

CCS Board Member 2015-2022

“As a former two-term board member, past president, secretary, and chair of the search committee for Dr. Beresford, I understand how important the adherence to the guiding principles of the board is to successful leadership. Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler, through their extensive work with students and education, have proven they are committed to upholding the standards and expectations of Carmel Clay Schools. I believe Kris and Jon are the best choices for our community.”

Tricia Hackett

Former CCS Board Member

Jon Shapiro & Kristina Wheeler have both demonstrated true commitment to students and high educational standards. Carmel voters are lucky to have these two choices for school board. I believe Shapiro & Wheeler will represent the Carmel community exceptionally.

Layla Spanenberg

Former CCS Board Member

“Having known Kristina and Jon and worked with them closely on Carmel school committees, I know firsthand they will live up to our expectations as people, professionals, and leaders. Please join me in eagerly supporting Kristina Wheeler and Jon Shapiro for Carmel Clay School Board.” 

Dr. Tom Harmas

Former Principal of Creekside from 2003-2017, Former Principal of CHS from 2017-2022

“It was my pleasure to serve the students, staff and community of CCS for 19 years as principal of both Carmel High School and Creekside Middle School. The future path for CCS should be led by individuals who want to continue building on the current expectation of excellence. Therefore It is my pleasure to endorse both Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler for the CCS school board. Jon and Kristina have each proven their servant leadership and have shown their deep commitment to the entire CCS Community.”

Sue Richardson

Former CCS Board Member 1986 - 1994

“As a past member of the Carmel school board and the IN State Board of Education, I know how important it is to have candidates with no hidden agenda and whose only goal is excellent schools.  Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler are those candidates. Please vote!”