







Learn More About Carmel Clay Schools

Carmel Clay Schools consistently rank among the top schools in Indiana. Get the facts about Carmel Clay Schools here.

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National Merit
Finalists in 2024




National Blue
Ribbon Awards


Champion Teams

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to Support CCS

Our mission is to ensure that Carmel Clay Schools have board members who embody the guiding principles and mission of Carmel Clay Schools. 

Donate today to help us ensure  that our children continue to benefit from school administrators who are dedicated to the success and well-being of every student who walks through their doors.

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boy graduating
academics graduation
support ccs script
Lee Richardson Altenburg photo

Lee Richardson Altenburg

“CCS has provided my 3 kids with the tools they need to learn, the resources they need to be productive, well rounded adults, the skills they need to be effective leaders and members of the community, and the enablers to help them be successful as they transition to adulthood. There is a reason Carmel consistently ranks as a top tier community across all of the United States…”

Lindsay Blythe photo

Lindsay Blythe

“My sons’ school is one of 11 elementary schools in our district, and each one is filled with amazing teachers. Teachers who, while shepherding their own families through the “COVID years,” gamely and professionally continue to teach and love our children. They’ve done it over Zoom, they’ve done it masked, and they’ve done it beautifully. They teach on, and they have my utmost respect.”

Meghan Adkins photo

Meghan Adkins

“I have had two children in the CCS school system for eight years now, and I am so impressed by the staff, curriculum and the teacher’s dedication to their students and excellence. What they have done, especially through a pandemic, is nothing short of remarkable, especially with the limited resources they have to work with.”

Lisa Washburn photo

Lisa Washburn

“I believe our school district is doing a great job of preparing our students for success in all aspects of life.”

Our Mission

Support CCS is a non-partisan political action committee working to support Carmel Clay Schools. We believe that public education is the foundation of a healthy democracy: accessible to all, it brings communities together across differences while respecting the individuality of its citizens.  We therefore seek to support the election of school board candidates who will fulfill the mission and guiding principles of Carmel Clay Schools.  

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Read the latest from the Support CCS blog.

CandidatesCCS Schools

Vote on Facts

Support CCS Admin
October 29, 2022

AcademicsCCS SchoolsEducation

Continuing the SEL & DEI Conversation

Support CCS Admin
October 24, 2022

AcademicsCCS SchoolsEducation

A Look at CCS Elementary Scores

Support CCS Admin
October 13, 2022

AcademicsCCS Schools

An Analysis of CCS Results

Support CCS Admin
October 9, 2022

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Carmel Clay School Board Meeting Information

The Carmel Clay School Board regular meetings are open to the public and media. Visit this page to find out more about the Carmel Clay school board meetings including: 

AgendasMeeting TimesPoliciesGuiding PrinciplesLearn More

Carmel Clay School Board Meeting Video

If you’re not able to attend the school board meetings in person, but still want to stay informed, you can view the recordings of the public meetings on the School Board Meeting web page. The most recent meeting is available on the page and archived meetings can be found on their YoutTube channel.

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